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Welcome to
Cruisin' Hines from
Wayne County Executive
Warren Evans
Join Us!
August 25th, 2024
9:00am - 4:00pm
Just a few rules . . .
- **$5 Donation per Car: Please Have Exact Change!**
- E.N. Hines Dr. closed for all except Classic Cars/Trucks, 25 years & older. Click HERE for a full description of allowed cars.
- Park opens at 9am for Cruisers.
- Cruisers must enter at Ford Rd. No entry at Outer Drive, Ann Arbor Trail/Nankin Mills, or Merriman Rd. Click on the map image below for more information.
- Spectators can park at Merriman Rd. (only from the north), Telegraph Rd. and Warrendale, but may not drive onto E.N. Hines Drive.
** Note for Spectators: Parking is limited. Once these lots are full, spectators will need to park off-site.**
- The pavilions will be open to the public. Vendors will be there with food and event goodies.
- All State of Michigan rules apply.
- All park and motor vehicle laws apply.
- No motorcycles, mini-bikes, or golf carts.
- Bicycles must use the bike path or follow State of Michigan bicycle laws. No passing on the right. Follow the flow of traffic.
- Zero tolerance for burn-outs, drunk driving. No racing starts.
- No passing. No parking on the paved shoulder. Paved shoulder must be left clear for emergency traffic.
- No unapproved commercial banners.
- No political signs, banners, or promotions.
- No unapproved vendors or commercial vehicles
- No business advertising on cruise vehicles.
- Questions? Contact Don Nicholson at Don@DonNicholson.net or 734-658-5296.
Don't have a Classic, but still want to be a part of Cruisin' Hines?
Become a Cruisin' Hines Volunteer!
Look for your Green Signs
at any Official Hines T-Shirt Vendor located along the Cruise.